Clouser style baitfish tied on size 2/0 plated Mustad saltwater jig hooks. These are tied with bucktail & natural Fox Squirrel tail and some various flash.
Some feather wing streamers, tied on size 6 Gamakatsu B10S stinger style hooks. Basic patterns I like to use for White & Yellow Perch, and Crappies. The fly in the upper right is a Seaducer, one on my all time favorite type flies. All of these will work well for other species too, including bass. The hackle I used here was some 3-4 inch long strung saddles I purchased very cheap. Some folks will tell you that this type of hackle is not a good value. That really depends on what you intend to do with it.
Simple bucktails. Tied on 6/0 size Eagle Claw 254 Stainless steel hooks. These can be used as flies, or as teasers with lures.
This next group are more simple "bucktails" on various size stainless hooks. As you can see there is some other materials included too. The black hair in these is bear, and the tan & black hair is Fox Squirrel tail.
Third fly pictured is tied on some old, discontinued Eagle Claw stainless Keel Fly hooks. Hard to find these days, but when they can be found they're worth adding to the hook inventory if you tie saltwater or bass flies.
These are some trebles I tied to add to some spoons & lures I use. ( Yes, I do use other tackle!) Tied with strung saddles & some flash.
Not flies, but it's still tying!
Tight Lines!